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Goals and Objectives

During all ID rotations, 该研究员负责各种患者在疾病的各个阶段的许多传染性问题的咨询护理. Rotations will integrate infectious problems, health promotion, and cultural, socioeconomic, ethical, occupational, environmental, and behavioral issues whenever possible. On each rotation, the fellow is supervised by a staff attending. 该主治医师将完成对研究员表现的书面评估,包括对研究员在6项临床能力(患者护理)中的每一项临床能力的评估, Medical Knowledge, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, 以实践为基础的学习和以系统为基础的实践)以及如何实现轮岗的目标和目的.

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研究员负责在医疗病房对成年病人(包括青少年和男女老年病人)进行咨询性护理, surgical wards, intensive care units.

Educational Purposes

  1. 医院流行病学和感染控制方面的正规教育和实践经验.
  2. Formal instruction and gain practical experience in clinical microbiology.
  3. 对宿主防御功能严重受损的HIV感染者进行评估和管理的临床经验.
  4. 在下列疾病的评估和管理方面有正式的指导或临床经验:
    • Infections of reproductive organs
    • Infections in solid organ transplant patients
    • Infection in bone marrow transplant recipients
    • Sexually transmitted diseases
    • Viral hepatitis, including hepatitis B and C
    • Infections in travelers
  5. 对以下疾病患者的评估与管理有临床经验:
    • Pleuropulmonary infections
    • Cardiovascular infections
    • Central nervous system infections
    • Gastrointestinal and intra-abdominal infections
    • Skin and soft tissue infection
    • Bone and joint infections
    • Infections of prosthetic deices
    • Infections related to trauma
    • Sepsis syndrome
    • Nosocomial infection
    • Urinary tract infection

Principle Teaching Methods

  • 临床和教学教学由主治医师通过每日查房总计每周5小时或更长时间.
  • Preparing case based discussion material for weekly management conference.

Ancillary Educational Materials

  • Principles and Practice of Infectious Disease 6th ed.
  • 通过基于计算机的搜索引擎(如pubmed和ovid)或由主治医生提供的当前疾病特定文章进行评估.

Method of Evaluation

  • 研究员将在轮转中得到口头反馈,在轮转结束时得到口头/书面反馈.
  • 研究员将在轮换结束时通过基于计算机的系统的新创新对轮换进行评估.
  • Fellows will be evaluated by the six core competencies- patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and system-based learning.

Lines of Responsibility

主治医师是研究员的主要主管,同时轮流提供咨询服务. There is a rapid, reliable, 以及通过传呼系统与主管联系的持续通信结构.

Progression During Fellowship

Expectations for fellow performance is as follows:

  1. Patient care
    • Fellows are expected to arrive with the basic skills of an internist. During the first year of the fellowship, medical interviews, physical examinations, review of pertinent data and procedural skills should be thorough and complete. 这应该过渡,以便在研究金的第二年,这些领域应该包括与传染病有关的更精细的细节,没有错误. 决策应纳入以可靠判断为基础的循证医学,在研究金第一年依靠大量工作人员的投入.
    • 在第二年,工作人员应该减少直接投入,同时加强案例中更微妙的教学点. 决策应与其他顾问和初级保健医生的合作,管理病人,包括病人的愿望. 在第一年的奖学金期间,预计主治医生在交流过程中有必要直接参与, 然而,在第二年,研究员应该是主要的沟通点.
  2. Medical knowledge
    • Fellows are expected to arrive with the basic medical knowledge of an internist. During the first year of training, 研究员将致力于发展传染病的基础和临床科学. 第一年的研究员应该能够引用教科书医学文献,并对传染病的基本原理有扎实的了解.
    • During the second year of training, fellows should develop an in-depth knowledge of infectious diseases, and an ability to quote primary literature pertaining to this knowledge. 第二年的研究员应该能够清楚地应用这些信息来管理他们的病人. 在第二年,知识库应更加全面和深入,特别是在疾病的关系和机制方面.
  3. Practice-based learning improvement
    • During the first year of fellowship, 受训者应寻求外部反馈,作出适当回应,以改善整体保健服务. 第一年的研究员被期望使用在机构提供的信息技术来改善他们的病人的护理和自我完善.
    • During the second year, 研究员应结合内部和外部反馈不断评估自己的表现. During the second year, 研究员被期望使用信息技术来改善他们自己和他们的病人以及卫生保健系统.
  4. Interpersonal and communication skills
    • During the first year of fellowship, 受训人员应与主治医生密切合作,尽可能为病人和家属提供最高水平的保健服务. This includes listening, narrative and nonverbal skills. 研究员应结合这些技能为患者提供教育和咨询, 家人和同事同时与卫生保健服务的各个方面保持联系.
    • Second year fellows are expected to be the primary link to the primary care team, other consultants, 病人和病人家属无需依靠主治医生来执行这些方面的医疗护理.
  5. Professionalism
    • 第一年和第二年的研究员在任何时候都要表现出最高的专业水平. This should include respect, compassion, integrity, and honesty. They should be committed to self-assessment along with a commitment to their patients, families and colleagues. They should willingly admit errors. During the first year of fellowship, trainees, with the guidance of their attending, perform the role of teacher and role model as the infectious disease consultant.
    • 在第二年,研究员应该是传染病咨询服务的主要教师和榜样.
  6. System-based learning
    • During the first year of fellowship, 受训者应主要依靠教科书和评论文章来获得作为传染病医生所必需的广泛知识. 第一年的研究员应该参与医院内用于改善医疗保健的系统.
    • Second year fellows should rely on primary literature for depth of knowledge. During the second year, 研究员应该能够将这些系统应用到他们自己的医学实践中,并改善整个医疗保健系统.